The Quilter: Quilting with Malke

Medical Tape for Holding Down a Quilt

Posted on: February 15, 2009

I was laying out a back for a quilt and thought I would tell you about the new way I tape down the back.  I used to use packing tape because it was wide enough and strong enough to hold the fabric taut.

The problem was the residue on my table when I pulled off the tape and that it is not reusable.  I accidentally used medical tape that I found in the house and it has become my new best friend.  It is wide, reusable if it is rolled back on the roll, leaves no residue, and sticks strongly to the fabric and table.

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I've been a quilter for a couple of decades and I decided to share my quilts, methods, joys and thoughts on quilting with the rest of the blogsphere. Please bookmark my blog by clicking the cute "Add This" button below. Read more on the "About Me" page.

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February 2009